Who We Are

With two decades of experience and proven results, Parliament brings modern thinking to those committed to informed decision making, funding smarter, and real change in both communities and board rooms alike.


We are more than analysts. We are subject matter experts on data driven systems change.

Guided by a strategic flightpath that leverages data at the center of all decisions, our clients report immense success in community building, resource sharing, and transparency.

As a Public Benefit Corporation, our reputation as an innovator, power broker, and an authority in the field has been earned by doing more than just analyzing data; we unearth clearer understanding that delivers results.

Our Team

Bill Brennan

Steve Shewfelt
Vice President Data Insights

Chloe Patton, Sr. Manager Customer Success

Chloe Patton
Sr. Manager Customer Success

Patrick Payne, Sr. Manager Data Governance & Success

Patrick Payne
Sr. Manager Data Governance & Success

Matt Linson, Senior Software Architect headshot

Matt Linson
Sr. Software Architect

Jomana Abdelrahman headshot

Jomana Abdelrahman
Research & Data Analyst

Madeline Smith headshot

Madeline Smith
Sr. Data & Research Manager

Sarah Jeng headshot

Sarah Jeng
Product Manager

The Power within a Parliament 

Owls represent learned knowledge, and a group of owls is a Parliament.  Our work embodies the power in bringing together collective intelligence to solve difficult problems for the benefit of others.

Come join our Parliament.

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