Miami is poised to be one of the most creative and innovative cities in the world. It starts with fostering creativity and innovation in young people.
Rebecca Fishman Lipsey, President & CEO of the Miami Foundation
The Problem
The arts are a fundamental part of childhood development that is all too often overlooked and underfunded in public schools. It has the potential to improve literacy and math skills, coordination and interpersonal abilities, emotional health, confidence and even attendance. Leaders in Miami – the nation’s 3rd largest school district – wanted a clear understanding of how to best allocate resources by having a clear understanding of where they’re needed most. And that means looking at the right data, the right way.
The Partner
Already implemented in some of the nation’s largest urban centers and public school districts – across portions or in some cases the entirety of states, artlook® is an interactive digital map helping teachers, administrators, and parents visualize where students can access arts education services in their community, and where more funding, staffing, and participation is needed.
For more than 50 years, The Miami Foundation has been leveraging philanthropic funds to help create lasting, positive change throughout the community. Over the last 3 years, they’ve been collecting data and doing grassroots outreach to help bring this project to fruition.

The Parliament
Building on our relationships Parliament was proud to support The Miami Foundation, Miami-Dade County Public Schools, the Miami-Dade Department of Cultural Affairs, and others to launch artlook Miami, driving the data and funding that will ensure arts access to all M-DCPS students. Parliament is excited to help local leaders make data-informed decisions as agents of change in the community, and tell the success stories that reflect a vibrant, creative city like Miami.
I am inspired by this announcement and the community partners it brings together. Artlook Miami will be transformational, creating more opportunities for Miami-Dade youth to connect with the arts than ever before.
Eddie Garza, CEO of the Mexican American Council and former M-DCPS student